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Управление удостоверениями и службами Office 365

О курсе

Управление удостоверениями и службами Office 365

Данный курс можете прослушать бесплатно в рамках программы Software Assurance.

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Курс ориентирован на ИТ-специалистов и консультантов, которые принимают участие в оценке, планировании, развертывании и эксплуатации служб Office 365, включая его требования, зависимости и технологии поддержки. Курс также будет полезен сетевым администраторам и ИТ-менеджерам, ответственным за управление и обслуживание Office 365, учетные записи, защиту документов, интеграцию с локальной службой каталогов и соблюдение соглашения по качеству предоставляемых услуг.

Расписание и цены
Этот курс набирает желающих участников. Отправьте заявку на участие, а когда наберётся достаточное количество, мы с вами свяжемся.
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Программа курса

Это 5-дневный курс обучения под руководством инструктора, нацеленный на потребности ИТ-специалистов, которые принимают участие в оценке, планировании, развертывании и эксплуатации служб Office 365, включая работу с учетными записями, зависимостями, требованиями и технологиями поддержки. 

Курс сосредотачивается на навыках, необходимых для установки и поддержания клиента Office 365, включая установление федеративных доверенностей с существующими учетными записями и оказание поддержки пользователям. 

Курс непосредственно связан со следующими сертификационными экзаменами: 70-346 Managing Office 365 Identities and Requirements и 70-347 Enabling Office 365 Services.

По окончании курса слушатели смогут:

  • Разбираться в Office 365

  • Планировать и осуществлять сетевые подключения и обеспечивать безопасность в Office 365

  • Управлять облачными удостоверениями

  • Внедрять и управлять удостоверениями с помощью DirSync

  • Внедрять и управлять федеративными удостоверениями для обеспечения единого входа в систему (Single Sign-On)

  • Осуществлять мониторинг и устранение неполадок при использовании Office 365

  • Управлять клиентами и устройствами конечного пользователя

  • Создавать и управлять коллекциями сайтов SharePoint Online

  • Настраивать Exchange Online и Lync Online для конечных пользователей

  • Планировать Exchange Online и Lync Online

Module 1: Preparing for Office 365

This module reviews the features of Office 365 and identifies recent improvements to the service. It then identifies the challenges in deploying Office 365 the benefits of the FastTrack approach compared to the traditional plan/prepare/migrate deployment process. After this, you examine how to plan the pilot, provision tenant accounts and finally, verify that clients can connect to the Office 365 service.


  • Planning a Pilot

  • Introduction to Office 365

  • Provisioning Tenants

  • Enabling Client Connectivity

    Lab : Setting up the Lucerne Publishing Datacenter Environment

  • Set Up and Configure the Lucerne Publishing Data Center Environment

  • Build Environment Recovery Steps

    Lab : Preparing for Office 365

  • Planning a FastTrack Pilot

  • Provisioning the Tenant Account

  • Preparing to Manage Office 365

    After completing this module, students will be able to:


  • Describe the features and benefits of Office 365.

  • Plan a pilot deployment of Office 365.

  • Provision new tenant accounts.

  • Check that clients can connect to the Office 365 service.


    Module 2: Managing Users, Groups, and Licenses

    In this module, students learn about managing users, groups, and licenses by using the Office 365 console and Microsoft PowerShell.


  • Manage Users and Licenses by Using the Administration Center

  • Manage Security and Distribution Groups

  • Manage Cloud Identities with Windows PowerShell

    Lab : Managing Users, Groups, and Licenses

  • Manage Users and Licenses by Using the Administration Center

  • Manage Security and Distribution Groups

  • Manage Cloud Identities with Microsoft PowerShell

    After completing this module, students will be able to:


  • Manage users and licenses by using the Office 365 admin center.

  • Manage security and distribution groups by using the Office 365 admin center.

  • Manage users, licenses, and groups by using Windows PowerShell.


    Module 3: Administering Office 365

    In this module, students learn about more complex administration functions, such as the management of administrators themselves, how to configure and set password policies in Office 365, and how to enable and administer rights management to protect confidential documents.



  • Manage Administrator Roles in Office 365

  • Configure Password Management

  • Administer Rights Management

    Lab : Administering Office 365

  • Manage Administrator Roles in Office 365

  • Configure Password Management

  • Administer Rights Management

    After completing this module, students will be able to:


  • Manage users and licenses by using the Office 365 admin center.

  • Manage security and distribution groups by using the Office 365 admin center.

  • Manage users, licenses, and groups by using Windows PowerShell.

    Module 4: Planning and Managing Clients

    In this module, students learn how to plan for client deployment and ensure that users get the tools they need to interact with Office 365 effectively. This module covers the planning process, how to make Office 365 ProPlus available to end-users directly, and how to deploy it as a managed package. Finally, this module covers how to set up Office telemetry so that administrators can keep track of how users are interacting with Microsoft Office.



  • Plan for Office Clients

  • Manage User-driven Client Deployments

  • Manage IT Deployments of Office 365 ProPlus

  • Office Telemetry and Reporting

    Lab : Managing Clients

  • Manage user-driven client deployments

  • Manage IT deployments of Office 365 ProPlus

  • Set up telemetry and reporting (Optional)

    After completing this module, students will be able to:


  • Plan for deploying Office 365 clients.

  • Prepare for user-driven client deployments.

  • Prepare for managed IT deployments of Office 365 clients.

  • Implement and use Office Telemetry with Office 365 clients.


    Module 5: Planning DNS and Exchange Migration

    In this module, you move on learn about the factors that cover DNS domain configuration for Office 365, where you need to add the customer's existing domain or domains to Office 365. This module also covers the individual settings that you need to configure so that each Office 365 service works correctly and fully supports client access. These activities typically happen in the Deploy phase of the FastTrack process.


    So far, you have been looking at Office 365 on its own. In this module, you move on to considering what you have to cover when migrating services from your on-premise environment, starting with your email system. This module addresses the key issues of migrating email accounts to Exchange Online and the planning involved in that process. In the lab, you will practice that planning and then carry out a cutover migration from your on-premises environment to Exchange Online.



  • Add and Configure Custom Domains

  • Recommend a Mailbox Migration Strategy

  • Configure external user sharing

    Lab : Preparing for Exchange Migration

  • Configure Exchange Server for Cutover Migration

    After completing this module, students will be able to:


  • Explain how to add custom domains to Office 365 and customize this domains to the organization’s requirements.

  • Recommend a mailbox migration strategy for moving to Exchange Online

  • Plan for implementing Exchange Online within your organization

  • Configure DNS records for Office 365 services.

    Module 6: Planning Exchange Online and Configuring DNS Records

    In this module, you learn about the factors that cover DNS domain configuration for Office 365, where you need to add the customer's existing domain or domains to Office 365. This module also covers the individual settings that you need to configure so that each Office 365 service works correctly and fully supports client access. These activities typically happen in the Deploy phase of the FastTrack process.


    So far, you have been looking at Office 365 on its own. In this module, you examine the scenario in which you migrate services from your on-premise environment, starting with your email system. This module addresses the key issues of migrating email accounts to Exchange Online and the planning involved in that process. In the lab, you will practice that planning and then carry out a cutover migration from your on-premises environment to Exchange Online.



  • Plan for Exchange Online

  • Configure DNS Records for Services

    Lab : Configuring DNS Records and Migrating to Exchange Online

  • Perform a cutover migration to Exchange Online

  • Configure DNS Records for Services

    After completing this module, students will be able to:


  • Explain how to add custom domains to Office 365 and customize these domains to the organization’s requirements.

  • Recommend a mailbox migration strategy for moving to Exchange Online.

  • Plan for implementing Exchange Online within your organization.

  • Configure DNS records for Office 365 services.

    Module 7: Administering Exchange Online

    In this module, you learn how to configure Exchange Online settings that you planned in the previous module, including archive polices, anti-malware and anti-spam settings, additional email addresses and external contacts and resources. These are actions that you would typically carry out during the Deploy phase of the Office 365 FastTrack deployment or as part of the normal management operations of Exchange Online.


    You typically carry out these actions through the Office 365 portal, although you can also use the Windows Azure Active Directory PowerShell console to access additional features.



  • Configure Personal Archive Policies

  • Manage Anti-malware and Anti-spam Policies

  • Configure Additional Email Addresses for Users

  • Create and Manage External Contacts, Resources, and Groups

    Lab : Administering Exchange Online

  • Configure Personal Archive Policies

  • Manage Anti-malware and Anti-spam Policies

  • Configure Additional Email Addresses for Users

  • Create and Manage External Contacts, Resources, and Groups

    After completing this module, students will be able to:


  • Configure Messaging Records Management (MRM) for Exchange Online

  • Manage Anti-malware and Anti-spam Policies

  • Configure additional email addresses for users

  • Create and manage external contacts, resources, and groups in Exchange Online


    Module 8: Configuring SharePoint Online

    In this module, students learn how to plan a SharePoint Online implementation that reflects the customer's needs and then create site collections that reflect those requirements. This module then covers the process of external user sharing with SharePoint Online and describes how this arrangement helps organizations share information more effectively.



  • Manage SharePoint Site Collections

  • Configure External User Sharing

  • Plan a Collaboration Solution

    Lab : Configuring SharePoint Online

  • Create SharePoint Site Collections

  • Configure External User Sharing

  • Configure Social and Collaboration Features

    After completing this module, students will be able to:


  • Manage SharePoint site collections by using the SharePoint Online admin center and Windows PowerShell.

  • Configure external user sharing by using the Office 365 admin center.

  • Plan a collaboration solution.

    Module 9: Configuring Lync Online

    In this module, students learn how to identify factors in the customer's environment that need to be reflected in the Lync Online deployment plan, then configure Lync Online to reflect the customer's business requirements, both at the end-user level and at the organization level.



  • Plan for Lync Online

  • Configure Lync Online Settings

    Lab : Configuring Lync Online

  • Configure Lync End-User Communication Settings

  • Configure Lync Organizational Settings

    After completing this module, students will be able to:


  • Plan for Lync Online.

  • Configure Lync Online settings.


    Module 10: Implementing Directory Synchronization

    In this module, students learn how to plan, prepare and implement DirSync as a methodology for user and group management in an Office 365 deployment. The module covers the preparation of an on-premises environment, the installation and configuration of DirSync, and how to manage Active Directory users after DirSync has been enabled.



  • Prepare On-premises Active Directory for DirSync

  • Set up DirSync

  • Manage Active Directory Users and Groups with DirSync In Place

    Lab : Implementing Directory Synchronization

  • Prepare on-premises Active Directory for DirSync

  • Set up DirSync

  • Manage Active Directory Users and Groups with DirSync in place

    After completing this module, students will be able to:


  • Prepare an on-premises environment ready for directory synchronization.

  • Install and configure DirSync.

  • Manage Active Directory users in a DirSync enabled scenario.


    Module 11: Implementing Active Directory Federation ServicesIn this module, students learn to plan for single sign-on (SSO) by using Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS) and then cover the process for setting up an AD FS server farm and an AD FS proxy. This module also cover the management process for certificates and the AD FS servers.Lessons

  • Planning for AD FS

  • Install and Manage AD FS Servers

  • Install and Manage AD FS Proxy Servers

    Lab : Implementing Directory Synchronization

  • Install AD FS Servers and Proxy Servers

  • Manage AD FS Servers and Proxy Servers

    After completing this module, students will be able to:


  • Plan for an AD FS deployment.

  • Install and manage AD FS servers.

  • Install and manage AD FS proxies.


    Module 12: Monitoring Office 365In this module, students learn about monitoring user connections to Office 365 and how to cope with service outages. They look at a range of tools that diagnose service health and review the reports that Office 365 provides.Lessons

  • Isolate Service Interruption

  • Monitor Service Health

  • Analyze Reports

    Lab : Monitoring Office 365

  • Isolate Service Interruption

  • Track Message Delivery

  • Monitor Service Health and Analyze Reports

    After completing this module, students will be able to:


  • Isolate and identify causes of Office 365 service interruption.

  • Monitor Office 365 service health.

  • Analyze and use Office 365 reports.


    In addition to their professional experience, students who attend this training should already have the following technical knowledge:

  • Knowledge:

    • Completion of Clinic 40041 or equivalent technical knowledge.

    • Cloud-based service concepts

    • Overview of Office 365 and its component services

    • Active Directory Directory Service

    • TCP/IP network routing

    • Domain Name Services (DNS)

    • X.509 Certificates

    • Firewall ports

  • Experience:

    • Using Windows PowerShell

    • Administering Office 365 with Office 365 Admin Center

    • Working with virtual machines

    • Using Remote Desktop


Преподаватель Павел Малевин
Преподаватель Сергей Нужин
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